Our Governors
As a member of the Talentum Learning Trust, we have a local governing board. To see the Members and Trustees, please visit the Talentum website.
The Local Governing Body has the following core functions:
Ensuring that the overarching Trust strategy, which is set by the Board of Directors, is implemented at academy level.
Ensuring accountability by:
- Monitoring progress towards targets
- Participating in the performance management of the Headteacher
- Contributing to school self-evaluationAssisting and supporting the Board of Directors, Accounting Officer and Finance Director to fulfil their responsibilities by:
- Ensuring proper stewardship of funds, including regularity and propriety
- Ensuring economy, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of funds
- Proposing the budget
- Monitoring expenditure against budget
Engaging with stakeholders and raising funds for the school.
Meet Our Governors
Click the badge to meet our governors.
Governor Meeting Attendance
Governor Meeting Attendance 2023-24