Westwood First School


+  What are the timings for the day?


At the start of the day, the gates will open at 8.45am and will close again at 8.55am.

 At the end of the day, gates will open at 3.15pm and your children will be let out of class at 3.25pm.

We understand that things don't always go to plan, so please let the office know if you are going to be late, either for drop off or collection as we can let the staff know and make sure your child has somewhere to wait.

+ Where do I drop my child/children off in the morning?

 All children come into school via the entrances at the back of school.  For KS2, bring them in via the top gate by Mrs Rockey, our crossing patrol, and for KS1, bring them in via the gate below the car park and up the long drive. 

If your child is in Class 1 or Class 2 (Reception), bring them into the playground at the back of school using the long drive and enter via the blue gated playground.

When you bring them to school, please ensure that you see them enter the school, or pass them to a member of staff.  Do not drop them off at the gate to walk in alone in case the doors to school have already closed.

If you are later than 8.55am, bring your child around to the office.

+ Where do I collect my child/children from at the end of the day?

For Class 1 and 2, collect your child from the same place as morning drop off - on the playground at the back of school using the long drive, via the blue gated playground.

For Class 3, this is the same door as on morning drop off - via the gate below the car park and up the long drive, or via the gate at the end of the car park. 

For all other classes, collect from the front of school at your child's classroom door.

+ What do I do if I need to collect my child early for an appointment?

If you wish to pick your child up early for an appointment, please go to the main office. Other entrances will be locked.  Be aware that you may be asked for medical evidence of the appointment.

+ How do I pay for dinners and trips?


 Our school dinners are now provided by Edwards and Ward Catering. School dinners need to be paid for in advance.

We are a cashless school, and all dinners and other items must be paid for using Arbor in advance. 

Other money, such as trip money must be paid for in the same way. When your child joins our school, you will receive more information about using Arbor, including login details and instructions on downloading the App.

+ How do I keep up to date with what is happening in school?


We try our very best to keep you up to date with what is going on in school and we are trying to be a paperless school.

Letters go home via email. We use the email that is allocated to your Arbor account, so please keep this email up to date.  You can update your contact details via the App.

Occasional letters are sent home in your child’s school bag if they are personalised or require a response.

Messages to classes and to parents will be sent out through the Arbor App. It is really important that you download the app as we use this system as our main quick communication system. Check you have notifications switched on for Arbor – that way you will be notified if we send a message and won’t miss anything.

We will rarely use texts, unless email or Arbor is not a suitable option. Please remember to give us your up to date mobile numbers in order to receive texts.

Newsletters are sent home electronically. A link is sent by email or in-app message.

Our school website also provides more general information for you as a parent.

We also have a Facebook page – the link is at the bottom of our home page.

+ Can my child drink in class?

Yes of course!  We ask that you send your child in with a named water bottle. This will be kept in school, and will allow your child to have a drink during they day. It will be sent home regularly to be washed. Please be mindful to only send water, not juice.

+ Can my child have a snack at breaktimes?

We are a healthy school. We offer fruit at break times if your child is in Reception or Key Stage 1.

You may also send your child with a healthy snack such as fruit/veg sticks, raisins, Babybel or a cereal bar.​​​ Please do not send chocolate, sweets or crisps and be aware that we are a nut free school.   

There is also the opportunity for children in Year 1-4 to buy a slice of toast for break times.  The cost is set by Edwards and Ward Catering and is 35p a day or £1.75 for a week.

Please remember that it is a long time until lunchtime. Sending in a snack for your child will really help them to concentrate in lessons.

+ Will my child get a drink of milk?

Your child will receive free milk until their 5th birthday.  If you wish for your child to continue to receive milk after this point, you will need to register on the Cool Milk website - https://www.coolmilk.com/parents/

If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, they are entitled to free milk beyond their 5th birthday.  Please contact the school office for more information.

+ How can I become a school volunteer?

We are always looking for people to come and help in school!

If you are interested in hearing readers or helping in another way around school, please call into the office. The office staff will tell you more. All staff and volunteers in school need to complete a DBS to make sure that they are suitable to work with children.​

+ Is there wrap-around care available?


Westwood First's wrap around care is run by a separate business on the school site - Westwood Pre-School and Kid's Club.  For morning drop offs, it opens at 7.30am.  After school, last pick up is 6pm.

See their Facebook page for more details - Westwood Pre-School and Kid's Club Facebook

+ What do I do if I have concerns about my child?

If you have any worries or concerns, come and talk to us.  The sooner you come, the quicker any issues can be resolved.  We have an open door policy at Westwood First and will always try to make someone available to talk to you. Your child’s teacher will be available at the end of the day, and is often the best person to chat to initially as they know your child really well. Please ring or email, or come and talk to us.

If you would like to talk to your child’s class teacher, please wait until the rest of the class have been dismissed  as it will be easier for your child’s teacher to talk at that time.   If you wish to make an appointment for a meeting or phone call, contact the office.

If you have a general query or concern, call into the school office and we will try to help. Mrs Johnson will always be willing to have a chat if she is free!

+ What do I do if I want a holiday during term time?

We do try to discourage time off during term time. Having time off, for whatever reason, does negatively impact on your child’s learning and progress. Having a week or two weeks off for a holiday means that your child will miss 25 or 50 hours of learning. It is very difficult for them to simply ‘catch up’.

If it is genuinely not possible for holidays to be booked in holiday time, parents need to request time off. The national guidelines on authorising absence in term time are that holidays will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. 

Parents MUST complete a request for absence at least 2 weeks before you go on holiday, as holidays cannot be authorised retrospectively. A request form can be obtained from the school office. Alternatively you can download a form from our ‘Useful Documents’ page.

+ Where can I park?

If you bring your child by car, please DO NOT park on the school grounds. This is for the safety of all the children.

We understand that it is very busy along Westwood Road during drop off and pick up times, but we would like to remind you that cars should not be parked on the zig zags or the yellow lines outside school.   It is dangerous for the children and the passing traffic, and it is also against the law.  Also, please do not block the entrance to the car park or the long driveway. 

We also try our best to maintain good relationships with our neighbours. If you are parking outside the houses on Westwood Road, please park courteously and do not block driveways or in unsafe places.