Safeguarding and Support
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs A . Johnson. The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs K. White, Mrs K. Steele and Miss. D Martin.
Our Safeguarding governor is Mr. I Millward.
Here is some safeguarding information, including online safety and support services.
If you have any worries, you can call Childline on 0800 111 or go to their website for help:
Online Safety information
The following websites have lots of useful information about helping to keep your child safe online:
Safe and Healthy Habits Online
Support Services
NSPCC – If you are concerned about a child you can contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 or go to their website:
New Era is a domestic abuse service which provides free, confidential support for victims, perpetrators and their families.
This is their phone number if you need some help or want to talk to them: 0300 303 3778.
This link takes you to their website:
Here are some leaflets you may find useful:
Mental Health
School Nurse – information about how to contact the school nurse for support. They can help with general health queries, physical and/or emotional health and wellbeing concerns, and can offer advice on parenting and behaviour strategies.