Westwood First School

School Uniform

westwood first 2024 uniform list.pdf



It is Westwood First School’s policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school. It is also something that all parents agreed to as part of signing the home-school agreement on entry to school. School uniform options are designed to be flexible, and can be bought from many retailers, including Supersports in Leek, as well as supermarkets and other shops.

Children should wear

Blue sweatshirt or cardigan

White polo shirt

Grey trousers or skirt

Summer dress (optional)

Sensible plain black shoes

Blue school fleece (optional)

PE Kit

Plain white t-shirt

Plain blue or black shorts

Plain dark trousers

Plain dark leggings (required in winter months)

Fleece or hoodie (required in winter months)

Grey, black or white trainers (may only be worn for PE lessons)


School book bag (optional)

School socks or grey tights (optional)

We would like to remind parents that children need to:

Have their name on all items of uniform, coats, PE kit, shoes etc.

Please note that we will be reminding your children about wearing appropriate uniform, and letters will be sent home with your child if needed.  However, please do come and talk to us if you have any questions or difficulties about school uniform, as we may be able to help.

Also visit the Supersports Website to find our uniform.